• 37.7392
  • 40.6734
  • 48.7621

Denizli Çameli Real Estate Ads

Total 28 records found.
Property ID: 3730
Land - For Sale
₺ 500.000
Detached Parcels 650m²
650 m2 detached land zoned with title deeds in Denizli Çameli Cevizli is for sale.  25/50% zoned 2 floors allowed, Çameli has clean plateau air and nature view, there is an official road, there is electricity and water.  Ideal real estate for investment. construction can be done in summer and winter.PRICE : 500 000 TLMehmet Bilgiç 0 532 294 92 67
Property ID: 3803
Field - For Sale
₺ 2.000.000
Detached Parcels 7.200m²
Denizli Çameli Yeni malleye bargain 7 200m2 detached land with title deed for sale. The path to the elephant is open and there is no official road. Electricity and water are within 200 meters.  It is close to the center of Çameli. Flat fertile land. Ideal field for investment. There is an open and unobstructed view of nature and the city. It can be a hobby garden. PRICE: 2 000 000 TL
Property ID: 3692
Land - For Sale
₺ 1.450.000
Detached Parcels 375m²
Denizli Çameli New Zoning is also zero to the main road 30% / 60 / 90 zoned, 3 floors are allowed, but due to the road level, a warehouse can be built in the basement.  375 m2 commercial land for sale. The plot is close to the center of Çameli, there is construction around it. Nearby is the Çameli student dormitory. There is electricity, roads and water. A land suitable for investment. FE
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